2 gorgeous birds and 1 diamond

9 Nov
copyright: Lisette van de Graaf

Caravelle’s blinds

Funny how you can walk past things and not see them, and then suddenly ‘discover’ them, right? Well that happened to me, when I recently discovered 2 gorgeous birds and 1 diamond. Total stroke of luck. And having my eyes wide open, of course!

copyright: Lisette van de Graaf

Steve did a great job

The 2 gorgeous birds can be found on the blinds of Caravelle (when it isn’t open, naturally – so that means during the night and on Mondays) and were created by Steve Cross.

copyright: Lisette van de Graaf

Bird number 1

The birds occupy one blind each, and are exquisite, in my opinion. What do you think?

copyright: Lisette van de Graaf

Bird number 2

copyright: Lisette van de Graaf

FTC Barcelona

On the blind of my neighbour, FTC Barcelona, I spotted the diamond, among several faces and a bottle of poison. Lovely, isn’t it?

copyright: Lisette van de Graaf

Mysterious author

I don’t know the name of the author, but I believe I have seen some of his work on Barcelona’s streets. I’ll share that with you shortly, and hopefully will find out who the artist is. But for now, have a great weekend, everyone!

copyright: Lisette van de Graaf

I love me a diamond!

PS: my laptop is acting ‘funny’ and I believe it’s on its last legs, so if I’m not here on Monday, you’ll know why that is…

Tell me what you think...